Gabriel Stokes

Mathematical Instrument Maker, Deputy Surveyor General of Ireland

His Life, Family and Descendants

Gabriel Stokes (1682-1768)

Gabriel Stokes (1682-1768), was a Mathematical Instrument Maker, Deputy Surveyor General of Ireland and said to be a maker of accurate chronometers. He lived (or operated his business) at Dial, Essex Street, Dublin. His father was a "taylor within the White Lion," Dublin.

Gabriel Stokes published a scheme for the supply piped water to Dublin. It was based on hydrostatic balance and he quotes exensively from Issac Newton's work on Hydrostatics. It is also said that he designed Pigeon House Quay, a long mole in Dublin Bay. Here I am starting to collect details of his life.

Gabriel Stokes is my 5 greats grandfather.

Much of the interest in this family is focussed on the works of his great grand son Sir George Gabriel Stokes [link no longer works in 2013] who was a contemporary of Lord Kelvin and amongst other things was President of the Royal Society. My grandmother remembered her "Uncle George" living in Cambridge around 1900. He was not actually her Uncle but her first cousin twice removed. In March 2003 attended a scientific meeting at the Issac Newton Institute in Cambridge marking the centenary of George Gabriel Stokes death. Pembroke College put on a fine exhibition of the papers associate with his fellowship and mastership at the College. I was the closest living relative at the meeting, however, I know of closer relatives including direct descendants.

George Gabriel Stokes was born in Skreen, County, Sligo, Ireland on 13 August 1819, and to mark the bicentenary of his birth a new book was published by OUP in July 2019, George Gabriel Stokes: Life, Science and Faith To quote the publisher, this book:

Another line from Gabriel Stokes produced several medical professors.

I have started collecting details of Gabriel's life and family genealogical data, which will be linked or placed here. Any contribution will be very welcome. When I launched this page on 2 August 2001 I had collected details of 343 descendants of Gabriel Stokes spread over 9 generations. Since then further details of descendants have been received from:

TO find out more about the 3 principal branches descending from Gabriel Stokes click the BLUE ARROWS below:

Gabriel Stokes fmily

The number of identified descendants of Gabriel Stokes was 653 on 5 July 2006. It is a lot more now 26 Sept 2013. Please contact me for details.

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